About Radar Systems GPR

Radar Systems GPR is on the market since 1997 in the benefit of geophysical survey services - GPR products equipment sales and service and has been accepted by the community as specialised business.

Have you considered the benefits of using Ground Penetrating Radar to provide advance warning and avoid costly problems ?

When you hire Radar Systems Inc., you can save your company upfront equipment cost and long term cost including headaches and problems of training a GPR user. Radar Systems Inc. owns the best equipment on the market, investing hundreds of thousands of EUR equipment and the training.
Radar Systems Inc. technicians are extensively trained and are backed by a Radar Systems Inc company. Our technicians see data from an average of over 50 jobs a year, so they understand how to interpret data from all types of project sites. It is easy to miss critical information in the data if an operator is not familiar with the data and what it means. When you hire Radar Systems Inc. for subsurface survey, you receive a cost savings and the benefit of our expertise.
We have a network of active full-time field technicians who perform jobs just like yours every day.

Please contact our technician today for a quick quote on your next project.

Ground Penetrating Radar Main Applications:

- Geotechnical engineering, cable routing, pipeline inspection and routing, tunnel lining, location of buried utilities
- Cavities, old wells and voids detection
- Defectoscopy, bridge monitoring, road pavement inspection, railway bed inspection
- Profiling of walls, floors, ceilings, concrete structure inspection, location of rebars, concrete structure inspection
- Searching for different metallic and non-metallic objects (local items, pipes, wires, underground tanks etc.), buried into ground,
- Archaeology,
- Bedrock depth determination
- Mining development and machine guidance
- Mineral exploration, mine planning
- Water table determination
- Ground wastes investigations, environmental studies
- Industrial wastes deposits mapping
- Paleobed river detection
- River or lakes bottom profiling, hydrogeology
- Mapping of melted zones in permafrost
- Glaciology
- Forensic and medicine
- Other similar tasks

 Main Office location & Contacts:

Semik Group P.C. - Greece
Otakar Semik
ADR: Ifaistoy 27, 41222 Larisa, Greece
TEL/FAX: +30 2411 108717
MOB: +30 6970 508312, +30 6988 002327
GMAIL: semikgroup @ gmail.com
EMAIL: info @ semik.gr
URL: www.semik.gr  www.semikgroup.eu  www.semikgroup.com

Radar Systems
Georadars & Thermal Vision
www.gpr-georadar.com  www.georadar.gr

Heligate Helicopters
General Aviation
www.heliline.eu  www.heliline.gr

Secura Intelligence
Intelligence & Security

We speak: Greek,English,Czech,Russian,Polish,Bulgarian. Do not hesitate to contact us!


Within the sphere of its expansion and growth in all fields, Semik Group Company is always open for cooperation.

Radar Systems GPR

General Manager